DPF Cleaning Service

1000 in stock.

Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) often gets clogged from soot from factors such as to extensive urban driving (low Cat temperature) faulty EGR, feeding wrong oil to the engine, faulty fuel injectors, malfunctioned turbocharger, or not driving long enough.

Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaning Service

A Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) cleaning service offers a range of benefits that contribute to the optimal performance and longevity of diesel engines. Here are some key advantages:

  1. Improved Fuel Efficiency: A clean DPF allows for better airflow and combustion efficiency, leading to improved fuel economy. By reducing the buildup of soot and particulate matter, the engine operates more efficiently, resulting in cost savings on fuel over time.

  2. Extended Engine Life: Regular DPF cleaning helps prevent excessive backpressure, which can lead to engine damage over time. By maintaining proper exhaust flow, the cleaning service contributes to the overall health and longevity of the engine, reducing the likelihood of costly repairs and replacements.

  3. Enhanced Performance: Clean DPFs promote optimal engine performance by ensuring that exhaust gases can flow freely. This leads to better acceleration, responsiveness, and overall engine power, providing a smoother driving experience.

  4. Emission Compliance: DPF cleaning is crucial for meeting emissions standards. A clogged filter can cause a vehicle to emit higher levels of harmful pollutants, potentially leading to regulatory issues. Regular cleaning ensures that the vehicle remains compliant with environmental regulations.

  5. Reduced Maintenance Costs: Preventive maintenance, such as DPF cleaning, helps avoid more significant problems down the line. By addressing soot buildup before it becomes a major issue, vehicle owners can minimize the need for costly repairs and replacements, ultimately reducing overall maintenance expenses.

  6. Environmental Benefits: Clean DPFs contribute to lower emissions, promoting a more environmentally friendly operation. By reducing the release of harmful particulates into the atmosphere, the service aids in minimizing the environmental impact of diesel engine vehicles.

  7. Optimized Regeneration Cycles: A properly cleaned DPF facilitates more effective regeneration cycles. This is crucial for preventing excessive fuel consumption during regeneration and ensuring that the filter functions optimally between cleaning intervals.

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WARNING: It must be ensured that all the requirements of the vehicle manufacturer for changes to and retro-fitting on the vehicle and / or cooling system for the operation with a trailer are carried out.
NOTE: We strongly recommend profesional installation for our wiring kits. Only qualified companies may install the electrical system for the trailer hitch. Improper assembly may result in a serious accident hazard!